Hormone Specialist Certification Course
Hormone Specialist Certification Course
Hormones are our most popular, most requested topic here at NCI. That’s why we created a full module just to dive deep into hormones and how they affect your clients’ weight loss, performance, and mood.
It’s easy to see why they’re so popular. Virtually everything in nutrition comes back to hormones. Especially these days, when we’re correcting everything that’s been done improperly. Understanding hormones is your key to becoming a well-rounded coach.
There’s more to the picture than just eating clean—you need to be able to identify and eliminate contributing factors that lead to frustrated client results. And that is a lot simpler than you think, once you learn our unique system for identifying and solving hormonal issues for your clients.
Full access through our online portal
Cross-comparison for multiple studies
Lifetime Access
The convenience & luxury of an online class
Over 90 days for any questions you have
Receive a leading, industry-recognized certification upon passing
Travis Zipper is an expert on hormones and one of the most intelligent people I know. I was excited to work with him from the moment we met because I knew he could challenge me to stretch my own knowledge even further and deliver even better service to the fitness community.
Travis started as a straight diet coach in working in a medical weight loss and anti-aging clinic. Over and over again, he found himself hitting the same roadblock: he would give clients the perfect diet to follow, they would be super compliant, and yet they still wouldn’t get results.
That’s when he started to wonder about the role of hormones, starting with stress and inflammation. The more he discovered about hormones, the more he realized that other nutritionists and doctors were giving out horrible plans—plans that only caused their clients to stay overweight, keep having mood swings, and suffer from low energy.
Fed up, Travis leapt at the opportunity to join me as an NCI coach and teach people the truth about hormones. Now, he’s worked with everyone from weekend warriors, to soccer moms, to high-end athletes, and he’s gotten fantastic results with all of them.
With this module, he’ll give you the tools and techniques to help you do the same.
The Semi Pro Athlete (Male, 27 Years Old)
Travis had another client who was a semi pro hockey player. When he came to Travis, he was suffering from low energy levels and performance issues.
Travis walked him through the Hormone Level Checklist and discovered that his hormone levels were too low, especially his testosterone. Thanks to this diagnosis, Travis was able to create a plan for the client that only involved dietary changes.
Once the client followed Travis’s plan, it fixed everything! His energy levels sprang back up, and his performance got back on track too.
In this module, Travis walks you through the plan he created for this client that was so
successful. That way, you can help your own athlete clients up their game with only minimal tweaks to their diet and lifestyle.
The Pre-Menopausal Mom (Female, 47 Years Old)
Travis had a woman come to her with low energy, weight gain around the mid-section, and low sex drive. To make things even more frustrating for her, she was already going to boot camp and keeping consistent with it.
With the Hormone Level Checklist, Travis found the missing link between all her hard work and the weight loss results she was hoping for.
In this module, Travis shows you the exact Checklist he filled out with her, and walks you
through the lifestyle discussion they had and the HRT plan he created for her. That way, you can help your soccer mom clients break through their plateaus and get results.
For both of the above Case Studies, Travis will walk you through onboarding the client, filling out the Hormone Level Checklist, creating the coaching plan, and getting results for each client.
Plus, Travis will give you the same in-depth breakdown for these three case studies:
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