by | Mar 20, 2024

In the entrepreneurial world, taking bold steps before feeling fully prepared is a notion that makes many uncomfortable. It’s counterintuitive, daunting, and precisely why only a handful dare to tread this path. Yet, it is undeniably necessary for those aiming for remarkable success. Jason Phillips, the CEO and founder of the Nutritional Coaching Institute, stands as a testament to this approach.

Starting Before Ready

When Jason embarked on his entrepreneurial journey, he didn’t wait around for the so-called “perfect moment” or until he felt utterly equipped to handle every potential challenge. Instead, he leaped into action, launching his coaching program with a mix of optimism and realism. This wasn’t about recklessness; it was about embracing the process of refinement through trial and error and evolving based on real-time feedback.

A Bold Closure

Here’s a twist that might catch you off-guard: Jason recently made the audacious decision to shut down a revenue stream within his business that was bringing in $6 million. Yes, you read that correctly. This move is more than a mere business decision; it’s a profound statement on alignment, values, and the courage to follow one’s intuition even when it leads away from substantial financial gain.

Lessons in Success

In the latest episode, delve deep into the beliefs and strategies that propel Jason toward extreme success. Discover how he navigates the landscape of self-doubt, overcomes obstacles with grace, and maintains a relentless pursuit of his goals.

Key Highlights:

  • Overcoming Self-Doubt: 00:04:25 – we explore strategies to battle the inner critic and transcend self-imposed limitations.
  • A Winning Belief: 00:05:29 – Jason shares the pivotal belief that fuels his ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to.
  • The Joy in the Chase: 00:16:48 – we discuss finding fulfillment in the pursuit and progress rather than just the outcome.
  • Constant Improvement: 00:22:45.- Discover the drive behind Jason’s desire to continuously surpass his past successes.
  • A Shift in Mindset: 00:32:24 – Jason’s candid story about a humbling experience at Starbucks and its profound impact on his outlook.
  • Authentic Marketing: 00:35:24 – learn about the significance of authenticity and the unexpected benefits of offering services for free.
  • Building a Whisper: 00:45:00 – Jason’s innovative strategy for developing his new offer, inspired by Alex Hormozi’s concept.

This episode isn’t just a collection of insights; it’s a blueprint for anyone looking to make significant moves in business and life without waiting for the stars to align perfectly. It underscores the essence of taking action, learning from the journey, and being bold enough to make tough decisions.

If you liked this episode, check out more of the Jasmine Star Show Here

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