The Menstrual Cycle and Exercise: is your period impacting performance? (Part 1)
Female hormones, namely estrogen, and progesterone fluctuate across a naturally occurring menstrual cycle in eumenorrheic (normal or regular menstruation) women. These hormones have an influence on other physiological systems, other than reproductive purposes, and...
Why Negativity Needs To Be Part of the Process
While experts have been discussing the power of positive thinking for years, it seems the concept of practicing positivity is becoming more mainstream. Considering that mindset is my specialty, I couldn’t be happier with this emphasis, as I adamantly believe that...
The Magical “Window of Gains”
It’s been talked about for years in the fitness world. The magical “window of gains”. Carbs and protein post-workout to get more “anabolic”. You know what I mean bro-tato chip? Yea, ok. But WHY is it important? What’s occurring in the body physiologically...
Nutritional Protocol When Injury Strikes
Do you remember the first time you got hurt? Not just a cut, but really hurt. Everyone in school signed your cast, your parents took you out for whatever you wanted to eat, and you had a cool story to tell to all your friends while they showered you with attention....